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A - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Gamepad.Button
A - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
abs() - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Sets every value of this vector to its absolute value.
accept() - Method in interface rosequartz.Natives.TCPSocket
accept() - Method in class
Launches a new thread and accepts one connection from any socket on the configured listener port.
accept(int) - Method in interface rosequartz.Natives.WebSocket
accept(int) - Method in class
Launches a new thread and accepts one connection from any socket on the given port.
acceptBlocking() - Method in interface rosequartz.Natives.TCPSocket
acceptBlocking() - Method in class
Accepts one connection from any socket on the configured listener port, blocking this thread until a connection is established.
acceptBlocking(int) - Method in interface rosequartz.Natives.WebSocket
acceptBlocking(int) - Method in class
Accepts one connection from any socket on the given port.
acceptColliderType(Class<C>, Function<C, Boolean>) - Method in class rosequartz.coll.Collider
Registers a function for calculating collision between this collider and the given collider class.
add(float...) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Adds the given vector to this vector component-wise and stores the result in this.
add(Behavior...) - Method in class rosequartz.ecb.Pipeline
Adds Behavior(s) to the pipeline.
add(Component...) - Method in class rosequartz.ecb.Entity
Adds components to the entity.
add(Entity...) - Static method in class rosequartz.ecb.ECB
Adds entities to the ECB.
add(Pipeline...) - Static method in class rosequartz.ecb.ECB
Adds pipelines to the ECB.
add(T) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Adds the given vector to this vector component-wise and stores the result in this.
add(T, T) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Adds the given vector to this vector component-wise and stores the result in dest.
addAll(Model, ModelInstance) - Method in class rosequartz.gfx.VertexArray
Copies all vertices and triangles / fragments from a given vertex array onto this one, transforming the array using a given model instance.
addAll(VertexArray) - Method in class rosequartz.gfx.VertexArray
Copies all vertices and triangles / fragments from a given vertex array onto this one.
addAllFragments(VertexArray) - Method in class rosequartz.gfx.VertexArray
Copies all triangles / fragments from a given vertex array onto this one.
addAllVertices(VertexArray) - Method in class rosequartz.gfx.VertexArray
Copies all vertices from a given vertex array onto this one.
addFunction(String, Function<String[], String>) - Method in class rosequartz.ConsoleManager
Add a function to be called from the console.
addN(float...) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Adds the given vector to this vector component-wise and stores the result in a new vector, returning it.
addN(T) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Adds the given vector to this vector component-wise and stores the result in a new vector, returning it.
after(Duration, Runnable) - Method in class rosequartz.time.Moment
Executes the given runnable after a given duration.
afterHappened(Runnable) - Method in class rosequartz.time.Moment
Executes the given runnable when the moment happened.
ALT - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
ALWAYS - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.gfx.DepthTestingManager.TestingFunction
angle(T) - Method in class rosequartz.math.Vec
Calculates the angle between this and the given vector in radians.
APOSTROPHE - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
ARROW_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
ARROW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
ARROW_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
ARROW_UP - Enum constant in enum class rosequartz.input.Key
aspectRatio - Variable in class rosequartz.gfx.PerspectiveCamera
Audio - Class in rosequartz.afx
Represents any audio.
Audio(Resource) - Constructor for class rosequartz.afx.Audio
Creates an audio from an audio file.
AudioListener - Class in rosequartz.afx
Represents the audio listener.
AudioListener(NativesFX.AudioListener) - Constructor for class rosequartz.afx.AudioListener
AudioSource - Class in rosequartz.afx
Represents an audio-source.
AudioSource() - Constructor for class rosequartz.afx.AudioSource
Creates an AudioSource.
AxisAlignedBoxCollider - Class in rosequartz.coll
Represents a collider in the shape of an axis-aligned box.
AxisAlignedBoxCollider(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class rosequartz.coll.AxisAlignedBoxCollider
Constructs an axis-aligned box-collider from two corner positions of the box (on opposite sides)
AxisAlignedBoxCollider(Vec3, Vec3) - Constructor for class rosequartz.coll.AxisAlignedBoxCollider
Constructs an axis-aligned box-collider from two corner positions of the box (on opposite sides)
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